Dr. Alejandro Navarro
PhD, Deakin University, Australia, 2016-2021
MSc (Honours, Commendation) Applied Marine and Fisheries Ecology, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 2014 – 2015
Honours Degree in Biology (BSc in Biology + MSc in Marine Biology), University of La Laguna, Spain, 2007 – 2013
Research Interests
Alejandro’s research interests lie within the field of spatial mapping and ecological modelling. He would like to focus on analysis of coastal marine habitats in order to quantify the economic and ecological services provided by these ecosystems. He is also interested on ecological and habitat modelling of marine species of economic and conservational interest, in order to help to predict their distribution patterns in the light of changing bio-physical conditions due to climate or other anthropogenic changes.
The global aim of his PhD thesis is to develop local valuations of coastal ecosystem services for marine habitats, and communicate these to stakeholders using spatial maps and other media. His proposed research means to quantify the benefits people gain from natural systems, to evaluate the potential impacts of alternative management scenarios, and to perform assessments of the trade‐offs between development and different ecosystem services in southern Australia.
Research Highlights
Awarded Deakin University and The Nature Conservancy Australia PhD scholarship, 2016-2019, to develop the Australian component of the Global Mapping Ocean Wealth project.
Honours Thesis submission, 2015, University of Aberdeen, “Shelf-sea tidal mixing fronts and basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus): Identifying the level of spatial variability in temperature and chlorophyll fronts in search of reasons for change in shark distributions”
Collaboration Research Grant, 2013, awarded by the Ministry of Education (Spain) for the project “Acidotic Collapse Hypothesis, reason for the death of El Hierro’s fish as a consequence of the underwater volcano?”