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Alex Shute 

PhD Candidate


PhD, Deakin University, Warrnambool, 2022 - Current

BSc (Honours) Marine Biology, Flinders University, Adelaide, 2021

Research Interests

Alex's studies are focused on the biological oceanography of southern Australia, with a specific interest in wind-driven coastal upwelling. Alex completed his honours year at Flinders University, where his research was focused on using remote sensing and oceanographic datasets from the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) to investigate the regional oceanography of the eastern Great Australian Bight and its impact on surface and subsurface phytoplankton variability.

Currently, Alex is a PhD candidate at Deakin University, where his research focuses on understanding how shelf morphology and variable upwelling forcing influence the spatial ecology of zooplankton. This project draws upon a wide range of resources, including historical and ongoing datasets from IMOS, remote sensing, and regional modelling of zooplankton dynamics in southern Australia.



Shute, A., Kämpf, J., Doubell, M., Rodriguez, A.R., Möller, L., Baring, R. and Newman, M., 2022. Variability of surface and subsurface phytoplankton blooms in a seasonal coastal upwelling system. Continental Shelf Research, 246, p.104832.

Kämpf, J., Newman, M., Doubell, M., Möller, L., Baring, R., Shute, A. and Rodriguez, A.R., 2023. A study of the seasonal and interannual variability of phytoplankton and zooplankton assemblages in a significant marine ecosystem. Oceanologia.

Kämpf, J., Möller, L., Baring, R., Shute, A. and Cheesman, C., 2022. The island mass effect: a study of wind-driven nutrient upwelling around reef islands. Journal of Oceanography, pp.1-14.

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