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Honours Projects



Project 1 - Marine Habitat Mapping


The research undertaken by the Deakin marine mapping group focuses primarily on understanding the relationships between abiotic and biotic processes in the marine environment, and their impact on the patterns of distribution and abundance of sessile and mobile marine organisms. To undertake this research, the group has the latest advances in marine exploration tools at their disposal, including; remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), high definition baited stereo cameras (stereo BRUVs), underwater positioning (USBL), multibeam sonar, and a dedicated 9 metre research platform for open coast scientific research. These tools, together with rapid advances in marine remote sensing data, are enabling the group to close this knowledge gap and provide an opportunity to gain an understanding of the mechanisms by which spatial patterns influence key ecological processes. We are happy to discuss the supervision of students who are interested in the following research areas:


• quantitative spatial ecology (including fish-habitat associations)

• physical surrogacy

• seafloor habitat mapping

• seascape connectivity

• ecosystem based fisheries assessment

• remote sensing (including change detection and classification methods)

• marine national park assessment




Project 2 - Coastal Ecology Drones


Aerial imagery is ideal for the assessment of coastal landscape change. Using traditional satellite sensors and manned aerial systems, however, can be challenging due to issues related to cloud cover, mobilization expenses and resolution. Rapid advances in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology now allows for costeffective collection of aerial imagery and topography at centimetre resolution suitable for assessing change in coastal ecosystems. We are happy to discuss the supervision of students who are interested in the utility of UAV-based photogrammetry and digital surface models in the following research areas:


• storm-driven sediment dynamics on sandy beaches

• coastal habitat dynamics (rocky shores, kelp, seagrass, mangroves and saltmarsh)

• animal census

• predator/ prey interactions

• coastal geomorphology




For more information please contact Daniel Ierodiaconou at


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