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Understanding residency and movement of Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi ) in Victorian waters using acoustic and satellite tracking 

Yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi ) have made a resurgence in Victorian waters since their decline in the early 1990s. As a result, the targeting of yellowtail kingfish has gained popularity across Victoria since around 2010, and they are once again considered an exciting alternative catch to snapper, whiting, squid, and flathead.


To ensure the effective conservation and management of the species, it is important to have a strong understanding of residency and movement patterns. These patterns are influenced by various ecological and environmental factors including prey availability and regional oceanography.

Currently there is a limited knowledge of the movement, connectivity, and residency times of yellowtail kingfish in Victorian waters, especially during the winter months. To fill this research gap, a collaborative effort has been initiated between Deakin University, recreational fishers, the Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA), the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC), and several interstate universities. This research employs acoustic and satellite tagging techniques to identify movement hotspots and habitat use of yellowtail kingfish in Victoria. It also aims to assess the linkages between the Victorian fishery and other interstate fisheries. Additionally, the project aims to investigate the timing and periodicity of migratory movements of yellowtail kingfish during the winter season.


This research project will enhance our understanding of the movements and habitat preferences of yellowtail kingfish in Victoria, which supports the long-term sustainability of the Victorian stock. Furthermore, it provides valuable knowledge to recreational fishers who can use the results of this project to optimise catch and improve the recreational fishing experience. 


Collaborators – Recreational fishers, the Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA), the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC), Flinders University, University Tasmania, Sydney Institute for Marine Science, Macquarie University, Victorian Fisheries Authority and NSW DPI.

Funding - Recreational Fishing Grants Program - VFA


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