PhD, Deakin University, Australia, 2016-2021
MSc Biology, Acadia University, Canada, 2015
BSc (Honours) Biology, Acadia University, Canada, 2013
Research Interests
The primary focus of Peter's studies at Acadia was using passive acoustic monitoring to study harbour porpoises in the Minas Passage; a tidal turbine test site. After his time at Acadia Peter perused an Advanced Diploma in Marine Geomatics `16 at the Centre of Geographic Sciences.
Currently Peter is a PhD Candidate at Deakin University using remote sensing technologies to create benthic habitat maps.
Research Highlights
Porskamp, P. 2013. Passive acoustic detection of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Minas Passage, Nova Scotia, Canada. Honours thesis, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS. Supervisor: Dr Anna Redden
Porskamp, P. 2015. Detecting and assessing trends in harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) presence in and near the force test site. Masters thesis, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS. Supervisor: Dr. Anna Redden
Wood, J., Tollit, D., Redden, A.M., Porskamp, P., Broome, J., Fogarty, L., Booth, C., and Karsten, R. 2013. Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetacean Activity Patterns and Movements in Minas Passage: Pre- Turbine Baseline Conditions (2011-2012). Final Report to Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy (FORCE) and Offshore Energy Research Association (OERA).
Wood, J, PHJ Porskamp, AM Redden, D Tollit, J Broome, B Polagye, R Cavagnaro, C Booth and C Sparling. (in revision). Passive acoustic monitoring of porpoises at the FORCE site in Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy, with comparisons to other tidal energysites. Reviewed by Estuaries and Coasts.