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Holger Jänes

PhD Candidate

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To read full list of Holger Janes's publication, go to Google Scholar


PhD, Deakin University, Burwood campus, AUS, 2016-current
Junior Researcher at Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu, EST, 2014-2016
BSc (hons) Marine Biology, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 2010-2014

Biography and research interests


Throughout my career I have participated in various projects focusing on invasive species, benthic ecology, fisheries management and ecosystem services. With my current research, I am aiming to value Australia’s coastal ecosystems in relation to fish production by using ecological, social as well as economic measures. During my PhD, I will systematically gather and synthesize existing fisheries datasets to summarise interactions between fish and coastal ecosystems. Obtained results will be then combined with socio-economic analysis to advocate ecosystem-based decision making.

Twitter: @HolgerJanes
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Research Highlights:

Jänes, H., Kotta, J., Pärnoja., M., Crowe., T.P., Rindi, F., Orav-Kotta, H. (2017) Functional traits of marine macrophytes predict primary production. Functional Ecology, 31, 975-986. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12798

Jänes, H., Kotta, J., Herkül, K. (2017) Environmental niche separation between native and non-native benthic invertebrate species: Case study of the northern Baltic Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 131:123-133. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.08.001

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