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Jordan Logan

Research Assistant



Research Assistant 2016 - ongoing

BSc (Hons) Marine Biology, Deakin University Warrnambool campus, 2011-2015


Research interests:


Jordan specializes in monitoring fish communities and marine spatial mapping. Jordan has worked as a research assistant for the Deakin Habitat Mapping group, with most of his work focused on habitat and fish monitoring programs within various Victorian Marine Parks. His specialties include planning, conducting and processing fish assemblage monitoring using underwater visual census (UVC) and underwater video techniques, such as stereo baited remote underwater video (sBRUV) and towed video.

Jordan’s main role within the Deakin Habitat Mapping group is the acquisition and processing of multibeam echosounder data as part of the Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program (VCMP) using Deakin’s research vessel Yolla.

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