Radio Marinara – 5 May 2019
Dr Daniel Ierodiaconou appeared on Radio Marinara and talked about the Victorian Integrated Marine Observing System node.

Deakin University has played a lead role in establishing a new Victorian Integrated Marine Observing System (VICIMOS) node. Associate Professor Daniel Ierodiaconou has been nominated as the Node leader and the program engages Deakin marine researchers across the three campuses and Queenscliff facility. IMOS is funded by the Australian Government under the National Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) with a $100M budget over the next five years. The VICIMOS node has been established to coordinate marine investment across the state for sustained monitoring to ensure it meets stakeholder needs across academia, industry and government.
New works include
• Establishing a coastal mooring in the Bonney upwelling where strong seasonal upwelling supports one of the most productive marine regions in Australian coastal waters
• An acoustic listening curtain off Portland, a national priority for closing gaps on movement of key species of fisheries value
• A marine microbiome initiative expanding to Port Phillip Bay. The program will allow a large spatial and temporal- scale examinations of ecosystem function, biogeochemistry, bio-discovery, within Australian marine habitats.
• Investment in wave infrastructure including wave buoys and satellite derived products to help characterise the wave climatology of Victoria.
There will also be continued growth in support for ships of opportunity such as oceanographic sensor packages on the Spirit of Tasmania, autonomous ocean gliders for subsurface observing and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) to monitor benthic habitats across Victorian Marine Protected Areas. If you are interested contributing to the VICIMOS node or find out more please contact Daniel