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Deakin Uni Capture Images of Underwater Landscape

Scientists have captured imagery of a newly discovered underwater landscape beneath the waves in Bass Strait, revealing a complex seabed of deep reefs that have been sustaining life for fish and other fauna for millennia. Using state of the art sonar equipment, a team from Deakin University’s marine mapping group has scanned the seafloor in the Apollo Marine Park, south of Cape Otway in south-west Victoria. Researchers believe the area is an important hotspot for marine biodiversity, including habitats supporting deep water corals, sponges, fish communities and commercially important rock lobster. Associate Professor Daniel Ierodiaconou from Deakin University said the voyage had provided critical baseline information that will allow marine park managers to develop a habitat inventory of the park and learn more about its unique biodiversity values. Check out the 250 square kilometres of seabed mapping using multibeam sonar technology and stereo baited remote underwater video surveys to document fish diversity.


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