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The DU Marine Mapping Group Members at the AEGC 2021 Virtual Conference

The Deakin Marine Mapping Group member Yakup Niyazi presented at the AEGC 2021 Virtual Conference. The presentation is focused on the Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program.

Images courtesy: Yakup Niayzi

The Austalasian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC 2021) was be held on 15-20 September 2021.

The AEGC was jointly hosted by the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG), and Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA). Under the conference theme of Geoscience for a Sustainable World, the AEGC attracted a large number of international and national delegates and organisations from across the spectrum of Australasian geosciences representing industry, government and academia.

Yakup Niyazi, a Ph.D. candidate in the DU Marine Mapping Group, presented the results of his recent resutls that focused on the mapping of buried magamtic rocks within the offshore Otway Basin, and its implications. He gave an oral and a poster presentation.

To read the details of the seminar , click here.

Last edited on the September 23th, 2021.


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